Justin Whitchchurch zaczęła pić, gdy była młoda, a mając 30 lat nie wyobrażała sobie życia bez butelki wina. Alkohol pomagał jej się zrelaksować. Przy pomocy alkoholu pokonała stres i przestała martwić się o jutro. Z łatwością mogła wypić do 2 butelek wina na przyjęciu, a nawet puszki piwa nie uważała za coś poważnego.

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Faux pas. We’re all human. We all slip up from time to time, but the most common mistake we make when it comes to committing to a goal is how we react when we stumble. When we stray the most important thing to do is look in the mirror and ask why. How did it happen? What can I do to prevent this happening again? 🔹The more you justify your faux pas the less value it holds. 🔹The less value it holds the more likely you are to do it again. 🔹The more frequently you do it the further away you are from where you want to be. Then inevitably you tell yourself it doesn’t really matter anyway. My own personal faux pas was a culmination of all of the above. A tsunamis of excuses, sadness, desperation and in the end the only person that could save myself was me. Little by little I took accountability. The person on the left had a lifestyle that was miserable, unmanageable and seeing her into to an early grave. The one on the right radiates happiness , internal peace and coping mechanisms to take life by the horns. My 12 Week Online VIP Program kicks off next Monday 7th January. Places are limited and they are filling fast. If you'd like to be guided by a coach that has been called more than once, the 'truth' speaker, register your interest by using this web link or emailing me (in the bio). It's time. https://tlfthelifefactory.wufoo.com/forms/m1ek760g0jvg7ou/ . #fitmum #healthymindhealthybody #sober #onlinecoach #mentor #over40 #transformation #itstime

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Sympatyczny i towarzyski bokser. Najbardziej opiekuńcza rasa

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Faux pas. We’re all human. We all slip up from time to time, but the most common mistake we make when it comes to committing to a goal is how we react when we stumble. When we stray the most important thing to do is look in the mirror and ask why. How did it happen? What can I do to prevent this happening again? 🔹The more you justify your faux pas the less value it holds. 🔹The less value it holds the more likely you are to do it again. 🔹The more frequently you do it the further away you are from where you want to be. Then inevitably you tell yourself it doesn’t really matter anyway. My own personal faux pas was a culmination of all of the above. A tsunamis of excuses, sadness, desperation and in the end the only person that could save myself was me. Little by little I took accountability. The person on the left had a lifestyle that was miserable, unmanageable and seeing her into to an early grave. The one on the right radiates happiness , internal peace and coping mechanisms to take life by the horns. I’m taking on new clients for my online 12 Week VIP Program on 29th June. Places are limited and they are already filling fast. If you'd like to be guided by a coach that has been called more than once, the 'truth' speaker, then click link in the bio. #sober #recovery #alcohol #epidemic #addiction #dependency #sobermovement #bethechange #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #ocd #type1D #type1Dathlete#healthymindhealthybody #onelife #fitlife #onlinecoach #mentor #writer #model #fitmum #fitover40 #livingnotjustbreathing

A post shared by Justine Whitchurch (@jusswhitchurch) on

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COMPETITION TIME! Who is ready to jump on the happiness train and gain back some control? Who wants to be guided by a coach who practices what they teach daily? Who has decided that enough is actually enough? Win yourself an opportunity to join my SPRING into SUMMER program valued at over $780! This includes: ➡️Nutritional recommendations ➡️Training recommendations ➡️Flexible dieting tuition ➡️Weekly coaching calls ➡️Daily support This program will take you RIGHT THROUGH TO CHRISTMAS! All you have to do is cut and paste the below link or email me (link in bio) and tell me what it is you want to achieve and why you need my help. The winner will be announced Friday 6th September. (Note: existing or previous VIP clients cannot enter) https://tlfthelifefactory.wufoo.com/forms/m1ek760g0jvg7ou/ #competition #onlinecoach #fitmum #healthymindhealthybody #mentalhealthawareness #weightloss #confidence #sober #recovery

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Odkąd Justin poszedł ścieżką trzeźwości, bardzo się zmieniła. Sport, całkowite odrzucenie alkoholu i właściwe odżywianie pomogły pozbyć się 17 kilogramów nadwagi i sprawiły, że codzienne picie piwa i innych napojów alkoholowych stało się przeszłością.

Więcej ciekawych artykułów na kolezanka.com